Intuitive Energy Healing
“Come from a space of peace and you’ll find that you can deal with anything” ~ Michael Singer
What is Intuitive Energy Healing
Our body wants nothing more than to be in a state of peace. Unfortunately, the “experience” of life is often chaotic. Throughout our lives, we encounter a variety of environmental, relational, and emotional stressors.
These interactions present our body with the choice to hold on to emotions and stressors or to let them go. The tricky part - we aren’t always aware of these interactions while they are happening. We may be too young to make that choice or aren’t in a safe space to let things go, and they ultimately get “stuck” in our bodies.
Intuitive energy healing is a practice that aims to restore peace and harmony in the body by balancing energy and clearing away emotional stressors. As an intuitive empath, I have an acute awareness of the feelings and emotions of others. I use techniques including reiki, emotional release, and Craniosacral therapy to allow your body to clear away the energy or emotions that are no longer serving you for your highest good.
What are the signs and symptoms of your energy being out of balance?
Feeling anxious and overwhelmed
Tightness - especially throughout the abdomen and chest
Feeling down or depleted
Having digestive issues (irritability and constipation)
Being very sensitive to light and sound
Having difficulty concentrating
Being “on edge” and irritable
Being sensitive to the emotions and actions of others
Who would benefit from energy healing?
Everyone! We all experience emotional stressors throughout life and could use help processing them. No one is immune to stress in life. For example - you might think the pain in your neck is from sitting at your desk - and it might be! But you could also be carrying an emotion (anger, fear, resentment), and this is how your body is telling you that it would like to address the issue. Working through the root emotion helps release tension for a longer-term solution.
What does an energy healing session look like?
Each session will look different for each person based on their needs. Sessions begin with an open conversation regarding any current or past issues that the client would like to address. Based on what you are comfortable sharing, this could be stories from childhood, relationship issues, triggers, or situations that may be impacting your life. Next, you will get comfortable lying on the treatment table. I will scan the space above your body for areas of energy blockage and begin clearing them.
What will I feel?
As energy is moved and balanced throughout your body, you may feel changes in temperature, vibration, and a warm tingling sensation. You may feel the presence of familiar pain or aching start to release, emotions or memories/images may surface. Clients release stored energy in multiple ways including, but not limited to, yawning, crying, laughing, sighing, and shaking. Each client’s response is different and will vary each session.
After your session, I will encourage you to notice what your body is telling you. Write down emotions that come up - they are there for a reason! Rest and hydration are critical after energy healing as your body processes the experience.
What will I learn from this session?
At the end of each session, we will discuss the time frame that your body needs to process the work done during the session. You will be provided with feedback and “homework” to continue to promote healing.
I recommend at least 3 energy healing sessions for optimal results.
How does it work?
As an intuitive empath, my gift comes in the form of sensing the energy and emotions of others. Through a meditative mindset, this gift allows me to connect with my clients by “tuning in” to their energy to assess their physical and emotional state and to offer guidance on improving their well-being.
I am guided through my own spiritual connection which has been cultivated through prayer, meditation, and my desire for deep and meaningful connection. Guidance is received and communicated in the form of messages, symbols, and sensory input such as temperature change, smell, and body sensation.